
Deal bonus Attack & Special damage when striking foes from behind, +10% per rank.
3 health up icon
Restore a small amount of your health icon (health) when you exit a chamber, +1 per rank.
Restore 50% health icon (health) instead of dying when your Life Total is depleted, 1 time per rank.
+1 Dash
Perform +1 additional Dash in quick succession.
Each rank gives you +10% Attack & Special damage to foes with cast ammo icon (cast ammo) in them.
+2 cast ammo icon
Raise your supply of cast ammo icon (cast ammo) for your Cast, +1 per rank.
100 obol icon
Start each escape attempt from the House of Hades with some wealth, 10 obol icon (obol) per rank.
+50 health up icon
Raise your Life Total, +5 health up icon (health) per rank.
+40% vs.status curse icon
Deal bonus damage vs. foes afflicted by at least 2 Status Curse effects, +20% per rank.
Raise your chance for a Boon to be Rare, +1% per rank.
Raise your chance for a Boon to be Epic, +1% per rank.
8 dice
Randomly alter the reward for the next chamber, 1 Dice total chances per rank
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