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All foes deal bonus damage, +20% per rank.

(health) effects restore less of your Life Total than usual, -25% per rank.

(obol) prices are higher, +40% per rank.
Foes in standard Encounters appear in greater nummbers, +20% per rank.
Each Underworld region's Bosses gain new techniques, 1 region per rank (Tartarus first).
All foes have higher Life Totals, +15%

(health) per rank.
Most Armored foes have Perks (dangerous traits that vary per Encounter), +1 per rank.
Each Mini-boss Encounter contains +1 Armored foe (or some additional problem).
The exit to each Underworld region requires you to purge 1 Boon to unlock it.
All foes have bonus move speed and attack speed, +20% per rank.
All Traps and Magma deal +400% bonus damage.
Your Talents from the Mirror of Night are deactivated, -3 per rank, (from the bottom up).
All foes have

(shielded health), making them ignore initial instances of damage, 1 hit per rank.
You have fewer choices when offered Boon, items or upgrades, -1 per rank.
You get 9 Min. to clear each Underworld region (or else!), reduced by -2 Min. per rank.
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